
Yoshihiro Blue Steel Deba Knife Review (SUPER SHARP)

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Specifically designed for fish fillet. Yea this is Yoshihiro Aonamiuchi Blue Steel Deba Japanese Fillet Knife. This is one of the finest Japanese Deba knife you will ever have.

In Japanese knife history, One of the most traditional knives is Deba. As all, we know Japanese people are very fond of Seafood. With their food tradition, they also grow theirnecessary sharp tools tradition. Japanese Deba knife is one these. Deba knife(pointed curbing knife) is to fillet fish actually but it also used to cut meat.

The selected knife we are reviewing  High Carbon Blue Steel Aonamiuchi Deba Japanese Fillet Chef Knife is handmade with extraordinary skills by master artisan by Yoshihiro Cutlery.

This is high carbon blue steel single bevels thick ultimate premium quality Deba knife which cuts fish or meat so thin that you can’t even imagine. When you cut something with this knife, this will make you feel that you are doing some serious job. 

Yoshihiro Blue steel- Best Japanese Deba Knife detail review

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You might be thinking blue steel ! what is that ?? Is that blue colour steel or something else. No this is not actually blue colour steel. When a carbon steel wrapped in blue paper for decades for a special purpose is called blue steel. It also called Ao-Ichi-ko or Aogami 1 Steel that means NO.1 steel in Japan.

From the reference of Aogami super steel , Blue steel consists of Carbon: 1.40 – 1.50%, Tungsten: 2.00 – 2.50%, Vanadium:30 – .50%, Chromium: .30 – .50%, Molybdenum: .30 – .50%, Manganese: .20 – .30%, Phosphorus: .025%, Sulfur: .004%, Silicon: .10 – .20% which is most popular high carbon steel amongst Japanese knife makers. Basically, this blue steel is popular for its high-end edge retention. 

For its metal property, it’s really easy to sharpen even at 65 HRC and most amazingly it holds this sharpness for a long time. This is single edge 180mm heavy knife which is made to filet and butcher whole fish no matter how big fish is. The heft of this Deba helps to separate the fish head from its body. This also can use cut chicken or meat but not recommended to cut through large heavy bone because this is kind of custom kitchen knives. 


Handle of High Carbon Blue Steel Aonamiuchi Deba Japanese Knife is traditionally handcrafted with Yew tree wood in Japanese style. Also, Water Buffalo horn bolster give this knife another dimension. Its rust and waterproof. The best advantage of wooden handle is not a chance to slip. Thus this is very dangerous but this amazing Yew tree wood handle makes users so confident to use.

Design and Beauty

It doesn’t matter its tiny sardine or 400lbs bluefin tuna, Yoshihiro Blue steel Best  Japanese Deba knife is designed to cut, fillet even slices it like paper for sushi. Its single edge is especially to do this job. Its blade iron forged in a way that makes a beautiful wave on the blade. There is also protective wooden sheath called a Saya is included with the knife. This gives an extra appearance when the knife is not in use, just like Japanese Sword.


  • Knife: Style Deba (custom kitchen knives)
  • Grade: Aonamiuchi
  • Material: High Carbon Blue Steel #1
  • HRC: 64
  • Edge Angle: Single Edged
  • Bolster Material: Water Buffalo Horn (color varies)
  • Handle Shape: Octagonal
  • Saya Cover: Magnolia wood
  • Handle Material: Yew wood
  • Stain Resistant: No
  • Origin: Made in Japan

Let’s See a video review of this Best Japanese Deba Knife

  • Best chef knife to fish filet.
  • Sharper, heavy and strong single-edged knife ever.
  • The protective wooden sheath included the knife.
  • Lifetime warranty by the manufacturer.
  • Japanese custom kitchen knives Deba knife is not made of stainless steel. So, need to take proper care and maintenance. I highly recommend keeping dry in between every uses and applying Tsubaki Oil before long-term storage.

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Final words

Taking a step on a Tiger tale would be very dangerous for anyone. I don’t want to make you fear rather than make you understand the seriousness of handling this one of best Japanese Deba knife. If you are professional or want filet fish or meat like a pro, trust me this Yoshihiro Aonamiuchi Blue Steel Deba Japanese Fillet Knife Shitan Rosewoodir?t=japanesekni0c 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B072QBX776 is going to rock you!

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