
Shun Vs Wusthof [TOP Japanese and German Knives Explained]

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Shun or Wusthof, maybe the hardest decision to choose one. We know the huge trouble you face while buying one. Many professional chefs around the world also mess up to choose the best chef knife available. Yet, the right choice is not so tough to make.

To show you the right path we have come up with a comparison article on Shun Vs Wusthof. While discussing the features of both the brands’ knives, it all will clear to you which one to choose. Though both the brands are reputed all over the world yet, some characteristics may hit you in another way that you might be looking for.

So, let’s get to the main part straight to have a clean and clear conception.

Shun Knives

Shun is known as one of the best kitchen knife brands. Among all other Japanese knife brands, Shun stands out of all and upholds the Japanese tradition with pride. With the super-sharp blades the Shun knives are the evils out of box.

top shun brand knives

The company never compromises with the steels while manufacturing the best razor-sharp blades. Mixing the art, technology and tradition together the skilled Japanese artisans extract the best outcome possible.

Till now, Shun has introduced almost 11 knife lines to its customers with great recognition. From a chef knife to a whole knife set, the company has tried to offer every best cutting satisfaction possible to its users.  

Wusthof Knives

If you are a knife enthusiast then you surely have heard the brand name Wusthof. Everybody knows the popularity of German brands in the case of manufacturing knife. Along with the German brand Zwilling J.A. Henckels, Wusthof brand also tops the position.

shun vs wusthof knife

With some of the best sharpened, wide, hard and thick blades, Wusthof knives are considered excellent. Most of the professional chefs also use a Wusthof Chef’s Knife to run their busy kitchen. The Wusthof knives are so distinctive that they are the real kitchen workhorse.

As all German knives are manufactured following the strict rules from the city Solingen, you can literally count on the quality and hygiene of each knife Wusthof produces.

To have more clear knowledge let’s make a comparison table of these two most known knife brands, Shun and Wusthof.

Shun Vs Wusthof, Part by part in Detail

Features of Shun KnivesFeatures of Wusthof Knives
  • Shun knives are handcrafted in Seki, Japan for more than one hundred years by skilled craftsmen.
  • Shun blades are extremely thin yet hard, not so wide and strong. The Shun knives also do not tend to wear even after heavy use.
  • Every Shun knives come with a 16degree edge angle ensuring evil sharpness.
  • Shun knives possess a Rockwell Hardness rate of 61.
  • Shun knife blades are made of highly refined VG-MAX, VG-10, high carbon Blue super steel.
  • Most of the Shun knives are produced following stamping techniques and some are produced by forging.
  • Shun knife handles are made of Pakkawood, Micarta, Polypropylene and thermoplastic
  • Most Shun knife arrive with a ‘wa’ style handle, full tang and half bolster
  • Wusthof knives are made in Solingen, Germany for over two hundred years maintaining the high-quality by the expert artisans.
  • The blades of the Wusthof knives are pointy, sharp, wide and hard. They do not wear easily.
  • Wusthof knives come with an edge angle of 14degree each side confirming high sharpness.
  • To ensure supreme edge retention the Wusthof knife blades have Rockwell Hardness of 58.
  • Wusthof knife blades are made of high carbon stain-free steel.
  • Six knife lines of Wusthof are manufactured by forging and one knife line is producing by stamping
  • Wusthof knife handles are made of Polypropylene, Polyoxymethylene and some with African blackwood named Grenadilla 
  • Wusthof knives are mostly full bolster and full tang

Common Features that found in both Shun and Wusthof Knives

  • Like the Wusthof knives Shun knives are durable, resilient and flexible.
  • As Wusthof knives are high in quality and don’t wear or tear up, the Shun knives are also high in quality
  • Like the Wusthof brand, Shun has also many different lines for its buyers
  • Both the brand comes with a limited lifetime warranty over its knife products
  • Like the Shun knives the Wusthof knives are made following some strict rules.
  • Like the Shun brand Wusthof brand is also famous, recognized and reputed worldwide
  • As Shun offers versatile knife products to its customers, so does the brand Wusthof.
  • Both brands offer knives that are durable, well-balanced and supple

What are the Good things about Shun Vs Wusthof according to the user’s experience?

Shun Knife users experienceWusthof Knife users experience
  • With the thin and sharp blade Shun blade knives are perfect for cutting, slicing, mincing, peeling and splitting
  • For the lightweight feature, Shun knives are easy to use and keep
  • For the super quality blade manufacture the Shun knives are extremely durable and totally rust and stain-free
  • A Shun knife comes with an elegant sleek appearance that enriches your kitchen look.
  • Wusthof knives are western-style and made maintaining the highest quality possible
  • To confirm longer durability and supreme edge retention the Wusthof knife blades undergo the hammering and heating process
  • Wusthof knives are strong, sturdy and heavy-duty and don’t tear up
  • Wusthof knives are suitable for cutting, chopping, slicing, mincing of any larger fruits, vegetables or meats

 Some issues should be aware of before choosing any Shun or Wusthof Knives

Shun Knives IssuesWusthof Knives Issues
  • Shun knives are likely more fragile because of its thin feature. So, a robust design is required for a longer lifespan
  • As the Shun knives have scalpel-like sharpness it requires extra attention while using and washing
  • Shun Knives are not meant for dishwashers. Hence, hand wash is required every time
  • The sharpening is required repeatedly in a Shun knife
  • Wusthof knives are pricy and you may not afford it until you start saving money to buy one
  • Wusthof knives are sturdy and heavy. Hence, it is not everyone’s cup of tea to use a Wusthof knife
  • Like some other best knives, Wusthof knives also require hand wash after use
  • Wusthof knives are not the best ones for Sushi slicing

Which Knife is Better Between the Shun and Wusthof

Shun and Wusthof are two totally different brands from different countries yet, they produce the same product. There might be some differences among the characteristics, formation, manufacture quality and process between these two. So, the question naturally pops that which one is better? 

Well, while the Wusthof knives are made following the western style and high-end technology, the Shun knives represents the mesmerizing beauty of their tradition. Being the part of KAI group, Shun is manufacturing knives since 1908.

All the Shun knives have to undergo the strict 100-step process by the most professional Japanese craftsmen. Maintaining the legacy if the ancient swordsmiths of Japan, they focus on the perfect craftsmanship and quality.

The super steels that the artisans use while making the blades are completely resistant to corrosion and chipping. To find the supreme edge retention, Shun will give it all. With an excellent building finish the knives empower a unique look.

Some of the Shun blades are featured popular Damascus design. The handles of Shun knives also feel too good for their high-quality texture.

On the other hand, Wusthof knives are being produced since 1814. With a stamped knife line their most knife lines are forged. The Wusthof knives also have to undergo a 40-step process to make the best blade out of a single blank of high carbon stain-resistant steel.

The knives are designed full tang to balance with the heaviness and sturdiness of the knife. The sharpness of the Wusthof knives is extremely durable. The blade is wide and half or full bolstered so that the user can easily cut a large cabbage or watermelon. The ergonomic handles are also appreciable and feel great on the grip.

So, overall, if you want to have a Japanese style knife with high edge retention then Shun knives are the best way to go. Again, if you are looking for a knife that has a German classic look the Wusthof can never be a wrong choice. The Wusthof knives will also serve you for years with a durable sharpness on the edge.

What is the best place to buy Shun and Wusthof Knives?

The Shun and Wusthof knives are available in most of the country. If you couldn’t find it in your area then look for Amazon.com. Knives from both the brand can be bought online. You will get various knives from the brand’s knife lines with versatile features.

Also, you can ask for any help on their online sites. As both the brands especially the Wusthof brand offers knives that are pricy they don’t offer sales too often. Yet, if they offer you can find them in many boutique knife stores.

Final Thoughts

Long story short, we are talking about the knife brands that have value everywhere. Like the Wusthof brand, the Shun brand also created its own niche long before in the cutlery market. Both of them are trying hard to provide the best knives for the convenience of the home chefs and professional chefs. You just cannot choose any one of these two without considering the whole facts.

They both have separate fan-base and till now, they are trying to improve more. Know what your needs say while buying the best knife and then decide which one to go for. Only this way you will make the right choice. 

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