
Miyabi Koh Chef Knife Review [Most Underrated Miyabi Knife]

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When it’s about a good knife, Miyabi is a name that rolls in mind. The reason is the good qualities and proper features of it. And these features gives you the best ever facilities of using. But before that, you need to know all about it by reading all Miyabi Koh Review. And according to it, you need to decide if you need it or not. 

Well, see all the descriptions first, and for that, let’s right into it. 

Miyabi Koh Chef Knife Review: In Details

When you want to know about Miyabi Koh Chef Knife, you get to know all about it. And that’s how you can know if it’s worth it or not. And for having a good idea, see the Miyabi Koh Knife Review first. 

So, check the details of the features, advantages, and also disadvantages of it to get a clearer vision. 


51kK2RH2B3L. SL500

Every product has a certain construction. And for that reason, you can get the idea if it’s working nicely or not. 

To let you know, this product has a great construction. It is Handcrafted in Japan. The knife is made of FC61 fine carbide stainless steel. And for having this kind of material, it will make no stains. 

That’s why it will make the knife a long-lasting one. And all that happens is for the incredible material, and the construction of it. 

So, overall, when it’s about Miyabi Koh Chef Knife, you will find this kind of amazing construction that makes the knife a good one. 


If we talk about any knife, you must know about the blade of it first. The reason is, blade is the essential part of a knife. 

The blade of the Miyabi Koh knife is made of stainless steel. And that makes no stain. Also, it has a ice-hardened FRIODUR×2 blade. And this kind of blade has a good cutting edge retention, durability, and a corrosion resistance. 

Overall, if the blade works well, then the knife will be consider as a good one. And if the blade doesn’t work in a good way, then the knife refers to an average one. 

That’s why you need to know about how the blade of this knife works. 


41LyrrWNCrL. SL500

This is a well-balanced knife that you can ever have. As you can see earlier about the construction, and the blade of it, you will know how it manages all the cutting in an easy way. 

Not only the blade, but also the handles are also important in a knife. The reason is, the handles are considered as the secure part of it. 

And talking about the Koh knife, it has the Artisan finish that fits in your hand in a perfect way. Also, for this kind of handle, you feel like you are using a lightweight knife. 

And that makes the whole cutting process easier. Not only that, you can also have a good safety if you use this knife. And you can have all the good facilities for the incredible handle that holds perfectly. 


Though you want to know about a knife, you need to know if it has a balanced sharpness or not. Well, it is made of stainless steel. So that, you can have a long-lasting blade that creates no stain. 

Moreover, this product also has a hand-honed honbazuke blade that ensures super sharpness while cutting. 

It can cut several kinds of things with a ease of using the facility. Further, the edge angle of the Japanese blade profile is 9.5-12 degrees. That’s why it makes the cutting easy. 

Furthermore, the blade of it is completely authentic. And for that reason, you can have a proper sharpness with a goos safety of cutting. 

So, overall, you can find a bunch of facilities including better sharpness. And it ensures the perfect cutting with much safety. So, you can find another reason to purchase this one. 


Last but not the least, there is the durability that must be present in any kind of product whether it’s small or big. Having good facilities as well as a long-lasting effect is necessary.  

And when you are talking about any kind of knife, you have to know all about it. You need to know what the blade is, and how it works. Also,  you must know if it’s working for a long time or not. 

Just like knowing about the sharpness, getting to know if the sharpness is long-lasting one is also important. 

Well, it depends on how the facilities are working. As you know that the material that is used for the making is good, it will last for a long time. 

Not just that, the other features are equally good to make the knife one of the best one of all. So, overall, all the stainless steel material, ice-hardened feature, corrosion resistance, cutting edge retention, and the other things are responsible for making it a durable one. 

That’s how it makes the Koh knife a better one than others. 

  • It has a super sharpness
  • The knife has corrosion resistance and cutting edge retention
  • It has authenticity 
  • Completely durable, and value for money
  • Some users say that the blade is so light in weight that cannot keep the balance properly

FAQs on Miyabi Koh Chef Knife 

1. What is the best 8-inch chef knife? 

You can find a lot of varieties when it’s about the best 8-inch chef knife. And if you want to know about overall good chef knife, it would be the MAC MTH-80 Professional 8-inch Chef’s knife

There are other kinds that are available, and good quality ones. Such as, the Zwilling knives, J.A. Henckels, and many more. 

But we must say that, Miyabi also has some amazing features to give you good quality knives so far. And this 8-inch check knife is incredible in it’s own way. 

2. What is the best Miyabi knife? 

Talking about the Miyabi knives, and compare them with others, we can find a lot of it. Miyabi is a brand that has several kinds of knives with good features in it. 

The best knives of it are Miyabi Koh 8-inch Chef’s knife, Miyabi Kaizen 8-inch Chef’s knife, Miyabi Fusion Morimoto edition 8-inch chef’s knife, Miyabi Birchwood, and lots more. 

So, you can see how many good products they can provide. 

3. What size chef knife should I buy? 

Well, it totally depends on what kind of cutting you want to do the most. If you are a home cook, and you need to do different types of cutting, then you need a knife that has a blade of 8 inches. 

And with this kind of knife, you can do slicing, dicing, and also chopping. So, it can do all that you want in your kitchen. 

On the other side, if you want a knife for professional works, then you need a bigger knife than the previous one. You need a knife that has 12-inch blade. 

Final Verdict 

As you can see, we described several sides of the Miyabi Koh knife. So, before getting into any decision of buying it, you need to know all about it by seeing Miyabi Koh Chef Knife Review

And according to that, you need to choose your preferred one. No matter what product you choose, make sure it assures complete safety. 

Also, it must have the proper sharpness to make cutting things easier. So, overall, if you can manage these things, then you can get a better service with perfect cutting. 

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